Friday, June 29, 2007

Consumption of Physician Services

6/29/07 The year/year percent change in physican services has soared this year as compared to all PCE Services x Physicians and as compared to all PCE Medical Services. These spikes typically occur in January and probably coincide with Medicare reimbursement adjustments at that time. This January's adjustment was the largest on record since 1995.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Four Pillars of Growth Q1 2007 Final

6/28/07 Y/Y Change

Housing Price Data

6/28/2007 This week's "Existing Housing" data from the Realtors show another decline in house prices compared to peak prices a year ago. But this is the fourth month in a row of price increases from the recent trough in January.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Diverging Mortgage Rates

6/13/07 The 30 yr mortgage rate surged this week while the 1 yr ARM collapsed. Mortgage applications surged this week.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Home Sale Prices a bit lower

6/11/07 Prices seemed to have topped out. With Boston continuing its notable downtrend.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Comparison of Exports between US and China

6/9/07 This is a chart that compares how much China exported to the US vs how much the US exported to China. The data is from the BEA's National Accounts Data.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Total Insured Unemployed vs Fed Rate

6/7/07 Seems like the Fed reacts when the Total Insured Unemployed deviates to far from or to quickly from 2.5 million? Why?